Saturday, January 7, 2017

Durham County Tax Assessments and Pictures

I live in the Brightwood Trails area of Durham County.  Recently I have seen a tan Ford vehicle with Minnesota plates and a sign that says it is part of the county imaging project.  I did some checking and the vehicle is a part a mandate from the state that requires counties to to consider the potential impact of physcal changes to properties on their tax values.  I am not sure how many images he takes but for one vehicle to do the entire county could take a while.
The physical changes to a property often require a permit but oftentimes not.  Even non permitted changes are supposed to be reported.  Even after reporting property owners are responsible for ensuring the information is accurate.  They can do this by visiting  and entering the properties parcel number.  If the physical change affects the value of the property the property is mailed a notice of the value change.  I wonder how often a physical change results in a negative value.  I have seen some pretty awful remodels and sunrooms.  
If you don't like your tax value or feel it is wrong you can appeal it with the Board of Equalization and Review prior to April 14.  Lots of luck with that.
You will probably see a lot of activity from the appraisers also as the next reappraisal is in 2019.  Field appraisers can take measurements of the outside of your house but not go inside so beaware of that.  If you have questions you can call The Durham Couty Tax Administrator's Office at 919-560-0300 or email

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